Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Two down, one more to go!!

This was a really productive weekend! We’ve put a deposit down for our reception venue! It took hours of gruesome negotiating (and eating!), but it’s all done! And I’m very happy with the way things turned out…sooo, YAY!

As for the second place we’ve got picked out, we chose Vandusen Gardens as our photo spot in the afternoon for the wedding party! It’s gorgeous there! I’ve actually never been there before this weekend and I was really impressed! Sunny and I are going to go back sometime this summer and take lots of pictures to get some ideas for photography that day! SO EXCITED!!

The last big thing we need to do is book the ceremony site. I think we’re pretty set on Northview Golf (in Surrey, on 168th). I guess we just need to work out the kinks and we’re all set! WOW! I guess there’s no turning back now eh? .. .. … ….. . .. HAHAHAH JUUUST KIDDING!

Of course there’s time for turning back! ^_^v

Heh heh heh. Ok just kidding! Don’t kill me Sunny! O.o


Bunz said...
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Bunz said...

Thats ok, it wouldn't be the first time you turned and ran!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! We all know that story, from Sunny's POV...

Glad to hear that 2 of the major things are almost out of the way.

are you going to start up a wedding website when you've got more stuff to post?

my friends have used weddingannouncer.com and ewedding.com.