Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bouquet Madness

So for those who don't already know, I've kinda picked out a flower for my bouquet! It's a natural blue flower called the aquilegia vulgaris or the common columbine.

I picked it because of its colour and because it's the flower of Venus! Pretty cute eh!

I found the flower yesterday at a few small flower shops downtown so I bought a small bundle. The bad thing about them is that I'll have to have a bouquet holder for sure, because they don't last long without water. :( But otherwise, I like it! It's really different! AND, it has a story! You KNOW how I love it when things have a story! ^_^d

333 days


Unknown said...

What a great picture of the flower you've got!! It's such a vibrant blue...I love it. :)

Lizzy said...

THANKS!! I hope it looks just as nice in a bouquet tho... :S I'm so glad you told me about the bouquet holder with water, cuz I'll definitely need it for these little guys.

You know, looking up the bouquet holders really made me consider making my own bouquets....but NO! I have to stop wanting to do everything myself! STOP ME!!! @_@

Unknown said...

yes we know.......

story story story..

also drama drama drama..AKKAKAKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAK

YES AND stop doing it all by ur self..

but i'll let you fold the flowers your self ^______^

Unknown said...

yes hun, you need to start delegating! it's tough, but you gotta do it. :)

Lizzy said...

Delegating eh? I guess SARAH is folding all my flowers then!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.