Sunday, February 17, 2008

Origami Cherry Blossom

As promised, here are some pictures of the cherry blossoms Liz and I have been working on. We are planning on using these as the center piece on every table at the restaurant.

We were still a little unsure what colour to use for the base of the flowers so I made these samples ones so see what looks the best. Everybody thinks the green looks too fake and the brown doesn't stand out enough in pictures so I think we are going with the red.

133 days


Diggitydave said...

hmm i actually think the green looks better in pictures. but not irl. that would be the brown then.

nice update.

Lizzy said...

We gotta think about the colour of the buds as well! Right now I'm thinking red would look good around the buds (to make them look fresh), so I'm leaning towards the red for the base. It looked really good in the lighting at my dining room table - and that looks pretty close to the restaurant as well.

But anyway, enough about what I think! What do YOU ALL think???

carterzoid said...

The green is nice 'cuz it's stands out more then the others. The brown looks like it's dead. The red is in the middle of nice and dying...

Red is a good median. Ch-ch-choo-se red~!

BTW what is irl? I'm not so 'hip' to know the slangs we have these days.

Bunz said...

i think irl means "in real life". i feel so young and "heep" now

Unknown said...

wow that looks awesome !!!!
as soon as i saw that i thought to use them for the same reason. I'm doing red cherry blossom for my wedding.
i was wondering how long did the branch take to make?

i think you should do red !!!!!!!!!

please let me know

Unknown said...

How do you make those? :O